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Hurst Warne Cross Sector Deal Highlights 2022

By February 1, 2023Office Agency

To reference an old sporting cliché, 2022 has been a year of two halves.
As we left behind 2021 and the economic shackles of the Covid era,
the beginning of the year saw a continued surge in post-pandemic growth
and an economy quickly playing catch-up. However, as we entered
the second-half of the year, the consequences of an all-to-quick return
to normality, coupled with the onset of war in Ukraine, became very
apparent. Rampant inflation, political instability, increased cost of borrowing,
‘mini-budgets’ and the general cost of living crisis have conspired to create
a more challenging economic environment in which to do business.
However, despite all these challenges, Hurst Warne have enjoyed
a very successful year advising clients across multiple commercial property
sectors and asset classes.

The following document is designed to showcase
a selection of our ‘deal’ highlights concluded during 2022 and illustrate
the multi-disciplinary offering at Hurst Warne.

Should you require any property advice across the broad spectrum
of real estate sectors highlighted herein, please do no hesitate
to contact Mark Leah or one of our team.

Mark Leah MRICS
Director Guildford
M 07769 973 371